Gathapraya 2017 by SMAN 3 Bandung

Saturday, 30 september 2017. I went to a cultural festival held by SMAN 3 Bandung. It's called Gathapraya.

Gathapraya is a cultural festival by SMAN 3. The name of gathapraya is takn after Anagatha and Abipraya. The name of Gathapraya itself means "Hope of the Future".

The main purpose of this festival is to preserve the culture of Indonesia to the young. To introduce indonesian culture in a not demanding but friendly ways.

Gathapraya invited many renowned artist and bands. Like Hivi!, Nidji, Elephant Kind, Vina Chandrawati the Sand Lady, and Didik Nini Thowok the renowned Traditional Cross Gender Dancer. But above all, Gathapraya also showed off a collaboration from SMAN 3's extracurricular. like MK 3, KPA and KV 3. T'ST or Tiloes's Theatre also participated in Gathapraya.

Gathapraya Fest start at 12 am to 11 pm. Like any other Festival, as the sky gets darker the festival gets merrier. The entry ticket is 55k rupiah if you buy it before the fest started. If you buy it on the spot, it's 65k rupiah.

it's a photo i got when Nidji performed. He starts performing after Hivi! at 10 pm to 11 pm. but sadly I can't see his performance till the end, because my dad already fetch me up at 10.30.

So i bid goodbye to all of my friends and started to walk to The Centrum whre my Dad is waiting for me. I never realize that my feet is hurting until i walk. GOD IT HURTS.
no wonder tho, since I almost never sat the whole time.

that's my experience, what about you?


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